This is really Great, You have developed a good smooth middle between full animation and the tradition (#1-when the kid sat on his knee from "dads in the hospital") ..or so. ya, I like this alot. The violence was the atack on the guy..poor bastard. Good humour, perfect for this genre, never out of place. Heh, and The fact that you referenced a colour in it is great. It's like thoes old Black and White movies from ..ah crap I can't remember his name, but Every time he made a movie, he would say somehing in the begining of it. And it would always include the same house. And just be bad. Like you could see the strings on the UFO and everything...but ya ..There was one scene were the DOP was asked (yes within the movie) What dress he liked better (by the actress) The Green one or the Red one...but the flm is B&W...and so the DOP(director of Photography) says. What do I care? I'm colour blind, they lok the same to Yes I liked this animation very much. You could leave it here and let other animators (myself included) pick up and follow in the footholes you've placed, or still kick it and NOT leave it on a 13..cause it's you had a box set..there..there'd be an extra disc....or it'd be all un-even. .. I'm sure you see the drama ;D